My Experience Getting a Haircut While Traveling
Getting a haircut as a kid was always a traumatic experience. If my grandpa wasn’t in around, I would be dragged to Best Cuts to receive a haircut similar to the Amish. However, my experience with getting a haircut while traveling in as far East Europe as you can go was amazing.
While on an extended trip thru Europe, it finally became time for me to cut the shaggy mop of hair off of my head.
Kurt, Steve, and I were busy trekking our way North from Athens, Greece all the way to St. Petersburg – making stops in a new Eastern European country once every few days. So, time was short and I a priority that quickly rose to the tops of our list was getting a haircut.
This just so happened to occur while in Kyiv, Ukraine.
After our free walking tour with Vlad, we walked around the alleyways near Independence Square aimlessly. Eventually, we spoke with some people entering & exiting shops about where to get a haircut and they pointed us to a small salon about 5 minutes away. We had to walk through a gate to a courtyard behind a building and then follow the dulled yellow signs until we made it to the right place.
We walked in and we immediately talked to in Ukrainian. Soon after they spoke, flashbacks began to go thru my mind about all the terrible haircuts I had as a kid. Over the course of a few minutes and some broken English we were able to ask them about getting a walk-in haircut and they obliged.
I strategically chose to go last. Just in case if there were any warning signs of a bad haircut, I could quickly escape.

Now imagine a look book a few years before that!
After flipping thru some 1990’s Paul Mitchell style books, I started to flip thru a magazine and pick out styles that I liked from there to show to the hairdresser.
Before I knew it the haircut was over and it was marvelously done. There was only the perfect amount of layering, feathering, and product applied to my hair. If I could afford to travel to Kyiv every few months, I would continue to get my haircut there.